They weren’t crying, “Wolf!” after all

Earlier this week while running errands and driving to and from work every radio show was all about former President Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies.

Long before he was charged with felonies I had decided that I couldn’t vote for him a third time.

The first time I voted for him, I knew it was the right thing to do.

I wasn’t under any allusions that he was a good person. My husband and I had enjoyed watching his TV show, The Apprentice. We saw first hand how ruthless and unforgiving he is. However, I believed that he was what the country needed at the time. God was going to use him for good in spite of himself, and I believe that God did.

However, I wasn’t excited about voting for Trump last election. I had hoped that someone better would step up. I was hoping that people would see past the myth of the good man that Fox been created around Trump. His one term of presidency was necessary, but enough. But I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stomach the policies that now-President Joe Biden promised to enact.

Had President Biden stuck with his more measured, center approach to politics that he seemed to have as a senator, I would’ve felt more comfortable with him. But selling out to the most liberal factions (which my husband assured me he wouldn’t do – I didn’t believe my husband because of Biden’s campaigning) was too much for me.

So I voted for Trump a second time. But it literally made me feel ill to do so.

I don’t know yet who I am going to vote for this upcoming election. I made sure to vote in the primary here in Minnesota in hopes of getting a different choice than Trump. I will vote. God placed me here in the United States, so I must vote. But I need to do some more research on who. Last election I voted for Trump because I definitely did not want President Biden. Since that didn’t work, anyway, I am not doing that again.

After listening to all of the news about Trump’s felony convictions, I thought, “Well, I’ve known since The Apprentice that he was trouble, so I guess it was just a matter of time before it caught up to him.”

However, after seeing President Biden’s reaction to the press questioning him about former President Trump’s allegation that Trump is a political prisoner of the Biden administration, I now consider Biden to be more conniving than Trump.

I used to consider Biden to be a good person at heart who sold out to realize his dream of being President, which, I guess doesn’t really make him good at heart, does it? But I thought that maybe he just accidentally got caught up in something bigger than himself. Now I know that the Republicans were not crying, “Wolf!” after all.

I almost want to vote for Trump just to spite Biden. But, I am pretty sure that isn’t the right plan for me. “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord.

I want to vote for someone who will truly be good for the United States. Isn’t there anyone who can stand up for right, be compassionate, honest, kind, good?

I realize that none of us are perfect, but America should be able to do better than these two. Knowing who to vote for is going to take some serious prayer, I think!

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Heather Holbrook

I found out that I have Autism upon having a son with the same disorder. Ironically, I was voted, "Most Likely to Succeed," by my high school classmates. But had I been born now, instead of 50+ years ago, I would have been considered a different sort of special. This site was started to encourage other Autistics and the people who love them .

4 thoughts on “They weren’t crying, “Wolf!” after all”

  1. Robert Kennedy is a good alternative, I think. He seems to have a good vision for the country and he’s very smart. The media also seems to dislike him, so that’s probably a good thing. Haha

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