Lots of Opposites

I had never really paid attention to the fact that the Holy Spirit in Christianity is also referred to by very opposite-seeming symbols in the Bible.

Jesus, of course, is famously referred to as both a lion and a lamb.

God, the Father, is referred to as a mother hen who wants to gather her chicks under her wing, and also the Great Judge who will condemn to hell those who choose not to follow His Son.

But I hadn’t picked up on, until this past Pentecost Sunday, that the Holy Spirit is referred to both as a dove when Jesus is baptized, and a tongue of fire when He comes to fill the disciples after Jesus went back to heaven.

We serve a complex God who is able to be who He needs to be to help us in all situations.

Published by

Heather Holbrook

I found out that I have Autism upon having a son with the same disorder. Ironically, I was voted, "Most Likely to Succeed," by my high school classmates. But had I been born now, instead of 50+ years ago, I would have been considered a different sort of special. This site was started to encourage other Autistics and the people who love them .

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