Yes! to Compassion; No! to Facism

I have appreciated learning from Christian friends who tend to vote for Democrats. One thing I keep hearing is that they see Republicans as acting like Hitler, who stirred people up to hate others.

That is a problem, a very big problem for those who, like me, claim to follow Jesus and also tend to vote Republican.

The Bible is very clear that Christians are not to hate anyone. We are to love everyone, especially our enemies – those who don’t agree with us and wished we were dead or at the very least wished we would keep our views to ourselves.

Unfortunately, there are Republicans who do hate others – immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, people who aren’t the same skin color as them.

I tend to vote Republican and I work hard, with God’s help, to love all. I want to help both women and children thrive rather than spend those same funds to put the lives of women above the lives of their children.

I want to help immigrants and spend a lot of my own time and money to do so. I believe there should be processes to let people into the United States so that we are not letting in people who plan to harm others, rather than be a supportive member of the community. I would prefer that we let more in, more quickly, through legal channels.

I believe that people, except in very extraordinary circumstances, are healthiest and happiest when they live as the gender that corresponds to the biological sex that they are born with. You can be a tomboy and still be a girl. You can be sensitive and still be a boy. You don’t need to change to be accepted as the unique individual that you are. I also believe that to remain celibate or marry someone of the opposite sex will also bring the greatest happiness.

I have, for several decades, done what the LGBTQ+ community asked: to live and let live. But that strategy is no longer tenable. It has allowed predatory men and boys access to women’s and girls’ private spaces. It has stripped women athletes of scholarships. It has caused children to be irreparably damaged. It has incorrectly scared loving parents into helping their children be harmed.

I am not against anyone. I don’t hate anyone. I am not trying to push my morals onto anyone. I simply cannot stand by and silently watch the death of innocent children, and the harm that comes to the would-be-expectant mothers and fathers. I cannot stand by and watch harm come to women and girls in spaces that are supposed to be safe for them. I cannot watch children harmed by the very people meant to help them.

Hitler preached hate to people Jesus said to love, people like the Jews.

So if any Republican is preaching hate, then, yes, they are beginning to go down the road that Hitler took and need to reexamine what they are about.

Republicans that I am personal friends with do not hate anyone. They simply want everyone to be free to live and love in ways that help others rather than hurt others. And I would guess that Democrats have a similar desire.

So, rather than being Republicans and Democrats, how about we all become friends and neighbors caring for and supporting each other so that we can all live full lives.

I’m thankful that I have friends who tend to vote Democrat who I can learn from and that we love each other, even if we don’t agree on exactly how the government should help people.

So here’s to coming together to bring true compassion, hope and healing to our country!

PS I am not able to love and forgive others who disagree with me without God’s love and forgiveness flowing into and back out of me.

Published by

Heather Holbrook

I found out that I have Autism upon having a son with the same disorder. Ironically, I was voted, "Most Likely to Succeed," by my high school classmates. But had I been born now, instead of 50+ years ago, I would have been considered a different sort of special. This site was started to encourage other Autistics and the people who love them .

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